Academic Program

We provide a standard academic program to our students, in which they can learn how to improve their teaching skills.
Teaching Methodology
Over the years, we have been working on a wide range of design and development projects and can't seem to get enough of it. We are constantly perfecting our craft, learning new methods and trends.
Student Corner

We are proud top share this information that our students are one of the finest students, any college can get. They are not only pro-active, but also keen in organizing multiple activities.
About Us

A college is a social enterprise established to prepare future citizens through socialization and moulding process. The learners first get something from the society directly and indirectly in the form of breadname, fame, fortune and many other forms.
" To contribute highly professional & highly ethical teachers through rigorous training for comprehensive development of the nation"
"Qualitative contribution through teaching –learning process for the empowerment of the nation"
- To provide Opportunities to the young Teacher trainees to be committed, honest, value oriented towards their profession
- To observe Educational Policies and their objectives to maintain quality in education
- To create awareness about the issues like ecology, environment, national integration, secularism, equity and social change
- To inculcate values of community service, national integration, national pride, religious tolerance and aesthetic sense for the earth environment
- To nurture the inner urge for learning and thereby ensure the activation of lifelong learning process to empower the learner in terms of socio-economic and cultural resources
- To think about the development and change in curriculum for intellectual competency, efficacy and different skills in teacher trainees
- To maintain relationship with NGOs and social agencies for the development of any concept at global level in teacher trainees
- To develop the use of ICT in Education